Monday 12 October 2015

Purnululu National Park and the Bungle Bungle Ranges

There are two roads through the Kimberly – the Gibb River road and the Northern Highway.  The Gibb River road is one of the most famous 4WD tracks in the country but our van was not equipped for it.  However, the compensation for missing the Gibb are the Bungle Bungles.  These amazing and iconic rocks unbelievably were not widely known about until recently.  We camped in Purnulu National Park overnight which meant that we were able to see a glorious sunset and magnificent sunrise.   It also meant we could do the hottest walks first thing in the morning while it was still relatively cool.  We returned to our car at 10:47 from the Cathedral Gorge Walk and it was already 40 degrees.

Unlike many of my posts which are much longer – I don’t want to say anything else.  Nothing I can say could add to the beauty of this place so I will let our photos do the talking this time.

Echidna Chasm


The Domes

Cathedral Gorge

1 comment:

  1. Spectacular !! Thanks for sharing. Cheers Carol G
