Monday 27 April 2015

27 March - More of Marvellous Merimbula

So other than our lovely day at Magic Mountain we spent the rest of our time in Merimbula exploring, hanging out at the beach , playing with our kids in the pool, seeing some of the attractions such as Potoroo Palace.  We also learnt how to run the essentials in the van, connect water, gas, and more reorganising.  No matter that I thought we had logical places for our things on a day to day we have discovered they weren’t the right places.  So here is a quick run down of out time in Merimbula:
Cruising the Merimbula Boardwalk.  Merimbula has a lovely boardwalk which is an easy couple of kms with great views over the lake and of the local environment.  It has good educational signs along the way.  It was a perfect place to spend some time especially as it was blowing a gale and the beach was not the place to be.

Hanging out in Bournda National Park.  I went to Bournda Lagoon decades ago and remember it being gorgeous.  It lived up to my memories.  We were there on a perfect day, sunny and without the gale force winds.  We kayaked, swam in the sea and the lagoon, walked the beach and to the other lakes.

Taking in Potoroo Palace.  The forecast said showers, it was grey, overcast and cool.  So we decided to try out the Potoroo Palace which is a native animal educational sanctuary.  I wouldn’t describe it as an A grade zoo, but we had a really pleasant time there.  The boys loved the animals, especially feeding the kangaroos. The games they had around the grounds were a great hit with our family.  The educational talks were interesting if a little too preachy at times.  There is also a little train ride through the grounds.  The best thing was the ability to shoot some animals really close especially the tawny frog mouths,  I was never going to get shots like these in the wild.

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