Monday 25 May 2015

6 May A Lovely Day of Nothing

We were due to leave the next day but the weather was warm and sunny so we just stayed at the caravan park.  Why you might ask.  Well first there was the washing (the rain in Coffs had seen us get quite a few clothes and towels wet and mucky).  But there was also the caravan park.  We stayed at the Big4 Saltwater Yamba which is actually about 10 minutes outside of Yamba on the Clarence river on a fairly large piece of land.  There was so much peace, quiet and space (think the kangaroos outnumbered the residents easily). 

But then there was this – Salty’s Cove.  We had a fantastic afternoon family play – we had this whole water park to ourselves.  Add in that we used the grass volleyball court for a bit of badminton and helped the boys on the cool flying fox.  We ended the day having a BBQ dinner and outside movie.  We plugged the TV into the external power point and watched Penguins of Madagascar as the sun set and the stars came out.  As many of you know children’s author Alison Lester published a book called Are We There Yet about their family trip around Australia.  This night it definitely felt like we were there.

After significant medical treatment the turtle has survived this experience.


  1. The water looks like a lot of fun.

  2. the pictures and the comments makes you feel like you are there.
