Tuesday 26 May 2015

May 8 Movie World - by Mr L and Mr C

Hello, its Mr L and Mr C here and this is our part of the blog.  We are going to tell you about what we did at Movie World, Sea World and Wet n Wild.

So at Movie World the Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster was totally freaky, it went backwards, down and you were in pitch blackness and you felt like you would fall off.  There was one bit where you felt like you were going to crash into a monster and inside you heard Scooby and Shaggy and saw Scooby Doo.  It was really fun, but really scary, we only did this once.

The Hollywood Stunt Driver Show was awesome.  The cars did super cool tricks and a fake building caught on fire.  Rio in 4D was cool, we had 3D glasses, you got splashed by water, there was air blowing in your face and the seats moved - it was super fun!

Junior Driving School was ok but it was better for younger kids.  We still had fun though.  The Road Runner Roller Coaster didn’t go too fast, I (Mr C) screamed to be like everyone else.  We heard lots of people scream.  It was a short ride so I did it again.  It was pretty cool.

Dad went on some rides that were toooooooo scary for us.  First he went on the Wild West Falls Adventure Ride – it was steep and looked really freaky.  It was like riding in an old log along a river and then down a big waterfall – Dad got wet by a big splash at the end.  Then he went on the Arkham Asylum ride, it looked like Dad was hooked in by his head and he went round and round and up and down all super fast.  At one point Dad was upside down – it looked really really really really scary.  We might have to be a lot older before we go on that one.

 All the super heroes and all the stars of Warner Brothers Movie World have a giant parade in the Main St.  Most of them come in cars or on floats.  Joker pointed at us with a super angry glare, we glared and pointed back at him. 

Mr L got to high five Green Lantern and we saw Batman fight and defeat some bad ninjas.

The Justice League 3D Ride was the best in all the rides that we went on!!!  We got to wear 3D glasses and shoot aliens for the Justice League.  We had messages from Justice League members telling us what to do and we had a boss battle with the supreme villain.  We hopped in cars with 4 people with awesome high tech laser guns and then Batman and Cyborg teleported us into the battle.  Then we had to shoot aliens, even ones that were on people’s faces or chests.  We also had to save Superman who had been taken over by an alien.  We liked this so much we did it six times – until it was time to leave Movie World.  THIS RIDE IS TOTALLY EPIC AWESOME!

Effects designed by Mr C and Mr L

This theme park was grea,t we rate 1000/10.  If you are in the Gold Coast - Movie World is a must.  Till next time Mr L and Mr C.

Parent Notes - Some tips for going to Movie World

  • Try and get a deal and book on line - this saves you money and once you have your multi park pass you skip the entrance queues.
  • Off peak is sensational - what queues?, but not all rides are open (we didn't have two of the big ones operating but it didn't matter)
  • Take water, snacks and food as everything is expensive.
  • Get a map (we didn't have one for Movie World and it would have helped).


  1. Hi Mr L and Mr C.

    Loved your comments about the great times you are having at Movie World, it all sounds very exciting. Not sure about Dad hanging upside down!

    The quiet times will be as nice, too, along with those busy exciting times.

    Love to you all,

    Nanna Chris

  2. Sound like you are all having fun. Not so much for our family. Most of us would be throwing up and the rest would be to scared. Keep writing, we want to hear more. Clark's

  3. Hey Mr C and Mr L. Sounds like you are having a great time. Wish I was there with you. Hope to catch up soon. Master M ��
